Vilhelm & Janette
We, Vilhelm & Janette, are husband and wife, friends and workmates. We share a passion for doing things with our hands.
Creativity is an important resource to us both.

Our making is strongly guided by the following thoughts:
With an intuitive touch. Each work is always its own unique creation, which gets its final form, color and essence in the present moment of the making process.
Ecologically. We only use recycled wood in our products. It is mostly reclaimed pallet wood that otherwise would end up as energy waste, but it can also be, for example, an old bed grille or even a scrap of an embedded kitchen stove top opening. You don´t need to cut down the tree when the material can already be found all around us, almost as from a silver tray.
Sustainably. We nurture traditional carpentry skills. Wood movement, even with time, is taken into account. The joints are traditional mortise and tenon or dovetail joints.
With Heart. We give a small piece of ourselves in every product and we like to think of them as work of art.

Johan Vilhelm Wirzenius is an educated wood artisan. He has employed himself as an entrepreneur in his company Puuverstas Vilhelm Snickarverkstad since 2003 and he has experience as a cabinetmaker and as a carpenter for almost 20 years. He is a craftsman at heart, who seek and want to find the beauty around him, that is often hidden under a rough and jagged surface. Or it can be hidden, for example, under a prevailing prejudice. Goodness and beauty can be found all around us, and in unexpected places, when we just learn to look. In the past he has also trained himself as an Organic Gardener and he has a contact with wood also from this perspective.
Pirre Janette Viljanen is a self-taught painter, who has loved painting and drawing ever since she could hold a pen. Above all, she is inspired by intuitive painting and drawing. Her art is born in the present moment. Since 2020 she has painted more intensely and at the same time discovered the therapeutic feeling of painting. She has dropped herself off from the IT industry and re-trained as a nutrition specialist. At the moment she is also studying spiritual astrology and, through her company pieni Siivenisku, supports people towards comprehensive well-being.